Monday, October 7, 2013

Our time in New York and New Hampshire has been wonderful.

The fall colors have been so relaxing and gorgeous as we drive thru' them.  They are positively gorgeous.  Mother Nature is definitely putting on quite a show.  The weather has been very nice, also.  We got to see apples pressed and had fresh apple juice.  We went boating in upper state New York with good friends .  The weather was in the mid 70's.  Everyone is decorating for Halloween here. In the middle of all this our great granddaughter was born.  Amelia Jane McMillan, on Oct. 3rd. We are headed to Kentucky to see her and family in about a week.  We thought we would let them get settled in before we bombarded them.  We even got to buy real maple syrup in New Hampshire.  We will tell about Maine and Massachusettes in our next blog.  Talk to you soon.  Patty and Tom

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