Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tale end of E-Town, Kentucky, St. Louis and Branson, Missouri

I guess it's time I catch up on my blogging.  Before we left E-Town, Tom and I went to some more wineries and went to Horse Caves. They even let Teddy Bear go down in this one.  He was not overly impressed.  Then Erika, Julia and I went to the 3 Sisters for a Tea Party.  We had a delightful afternoon.  We took Andy and Erika out to dinner because they have been treating us to so many scrumptious meals at their home while we were there.  They are awesome host's. That is quite the motor cycle made out of wine kegs that Tom is sitting on.

We had to go to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery (Budweiser) for a tour again when we stopped in St. Louis.  Hey, you get free beer out of it and you get to see the horses.

We went to Branson, MO. and saw 3 shows.  We were here 3 nights and 4 days.  We saw Hamner's Unbelievable Variety Show.  It is a great Magic show.  We loved it.  The next night we saw Jonah.  What an awesome musical.  It was spectacular.  We even had a life sized whale float above us in the audience.  It was amazing.  Tonight we saw Shoji Tabuchi.  He is the most gifted violinist.  So enjoyable to listen too.  The whole show was good and fun to watch.  That picture of the billard room is part of the men's bathroom in the Shoji theater.

I have enclosed a picture of the frozen waterfalls alongside the cliffs here in Branson, just to let you know how cold it is here. BRRR!!

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