Friday, December 14, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns

We walked our legs off in Carlsbad Caverns, but it was so worth it.  They are as beautiful as I have always heard.  The bats have all flown south for the winter, so we did not get to see them.  But I have some stunning pictures for you to see.  This is the mountain range as we came into New Mexico.  It was pretty awesome.  The black hole I am standing in front of, Tom & I will go down 750 feet, which is about a 1 &1/2 mile hike down hill.  Thank goodness it is an elevator ride back up. From them looking like hot fudge sundaes to icecycle trees to forlorne lovers to just beautiful ice sculptures.  Wow!  This we did as a self guided tour later on we went on a guided tour into another part of the cave.  We are thinking about going to Rosswell, NM.  Talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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