Monday, December 10, 2012

Our time in Tuscon

We have had a lovely time in Tuscon.  We got to see the hawks in flight at the Sonora Desert Museum.  They were awesome to see.  We went to the Pima Air Museum.  I enjoyed seeing the Guppy and the Stealth Fighter.  We saw many other planes to say the least.  Those 3 dogs belong to Jack, Helen and Angela.  Their names are Luke, Daisy and Remington.  Aren't they cute.  We have spent the last week enjoying the company of my brother and his family.  They are wonderful people.  I took a picture to show you that the price of gas truly is below $3.00 a gallon in certain parts of the country.  It has dropped even lower since I took that picture, and yes, I have put up my Christmas tree in the motor home.  It looks very nice.  Thank you very much! Love the weather down here.  70 or 80 during the day, it does get a bit chilly at night though.  I guess that is okay, it is winter, right.   Talk to you soon. Patty & Tom

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