Monday, March 18, 2013

Leaving Ja-Mar, Port Richey

We went fishing and had a lot of fun.  We also went to a jamboree while we were here.  They have had alot of entertainment for us to partake in.  Our little street has its 4:00 happy hour, which we have enjoyed.  You do not have to live on this street to partake, which is kind of nice.  As you can see, even Teddy has made lots of friends.  Bruce and Linda are his new people best friends and he really likes Keeta the little gray dog.  He tolerates Abbey.  She likes everybody.
We have so enjoyed our stay here, it is very hard to leave.  We have made some very good friends.  They even had a breakfast for us and Linda & Dave who are also leaving this morning.  They are just such nice people.  We have just felt so welcomed here.  We are like one happy family.

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