Thursday, November 7, 2013

Our time in St. Louis

We enjoyed our time in St. Louis.  We went to the Budweiser Brewery where we got to see the Clydesdale's in repose.  We did see them walking around but by then we were at the beer sampling phase so we were not taking any more pictures.  I tried some beers that I actually like.  I have not been a big beer drinker in the past.  I like Shock Top apple crisp & strawberry.  They are a light beer.  Tom says he is going to turn me into a beer drinker yet.  We also went on a city tour of St. Louis.  I did not know that the waffle cone got started here all because during the 1904 World's fair they ran out of bowls for the ice cream and their was a booth next to the ice cream booth selling waffles.  They got together and the waffle cone got started.  Iced tea got started at the 1904 World's fair also.  It was very hot and people only ever drank hot tea, they poured it over iced chips, voila iced tea was created.  That particular tree is not one you would want to be under during a storm, it is made of metal.  The buildings here are beautiful.  We enjoyed our tour and learned all kinds of interesting little things about St. Louis.  We just got to Branson, MO.  Will talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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