Thursday, January 2, 2014

Getting ready to leave San Antonio

We have enjoyed our time in San Antonio, but it is time to leave and go onto warmer climates.  We had a wonderful time New Years Eve with our friends.  The guys watched football.  Surprise! Surprise!  Us girls played Candyland with Zak, who is 6.  Guess what we decided that is a horrible game.  You cannot win, no matter what you keep falling down those stupid slides.  We finally all quit after about 45 minutes of trying to get somewhere.  We were all back at the beginning of the game.  Our campground put on a wonderful pancake feed New Years Day, complete with bloody Marys.  They sure made everything taste better.  We are headed to Florida and warmer weather, we hope.  Ruffles, Archie and Gails parrot fluffed himself up real pretty for me so I got a nice picture of him.  Talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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