Monday, January 13, 2014

Our time in Fort Myers, Florida

We have enjoyed our time in the southern part of Florida.  We finally got to experience the temperatures in the low 80's.  It has been great.  It rains almost every night, but that is okay.  We went to The Ford Edison Winter Estate.  They have several of Edison's inventions.  Plus we learned a lot about his home life.  His wife and he loved botany.  They were great friends with Henry Ford and family. We also went to Sanibel Island.  What a wonderful place to play.  It has all the flavor of Mexico but you are still in the States, and white sandy beaches everywhere.  We also drove all the way to Key West.  That was a 5 hour drive from where we are staying.  Tom wanted to sit in the bar on the beach and have a beer.  Guess what.  The beach is all gated communities.  He was not happy.  So we went to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville and had a drink and called it good.  We have met some very nice people in this RV park.  One little girl Heidi and Teddy have struck up a very nice friendship.  She wants to take him for lots of walks.  He really hates it.  Yeah, right!!  She is all of 3 years old.  Talk to you soon.  We are headed to Port Richey, FL. from here.  Patty & Tom

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