Monday, March 24, 2014

We are coming to our end of our time at Port Richey

We have surely enjoyed our time here at Port Richey.  From going on outings, Happy Hours, to just visiting with the friends we have gotten to know so well.  One day one of the young granddaughters got to paint each of the guys fingernails a bright pink.  She only painted one per guy.  That was pretty funny.  We had a St. Paddy's day party.  We had a little rain shower one day that put a bit of a puddle in front of our motor home.  The beer cans on the lawn is just a small sample of what the guys are capable of each day during happy hour.  They do clean up after themselves at the end of the day.  Thank goodness.  We really are going to miss them, when we leave.  We will talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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