Saturday, April 5, 2014

We leave Port Richey tomorrow morning.

We are going to miss our friends here.  We have had such a wonderful time with them.  While we were here we had new flooring put in our motor home.  It looks pretty nice.  Here is a before and an after picture.  We got rid of most of the carpeting.  One day when it was raining, us girls were not ones to call it a day. My friend Char and I do love our crab.  It sure was good! Yum!  Our friend Virgil won a chicken wing eating contest.  That was fun.  We are headed to San Antonio from here to see our friends Archie and Gail again for just a short visit. From there we will be in Tucson with my brother Jack & Helen for Easter.  Talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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