Friday, January 11, 2013

Our friends in San Antonio

Archie & Gail have been wonderful.  I learned how to splint a chicken.  Yes, the chicken had a bad foot, so Archie and I played doctor and created a plaster splint and within the week Phyllis the chicken was able to walk without the cast.  Pretty cool, huh!  We thought so.  Gail got these chickens because their hairdoos are just like hers, or did she get her hair cut just like the chickens.  I guess that is asking which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Heh, she even blow drys the chickens topnots when they get to wet.  What can I say.  Gail loves her chickens.
Teddy has decided that this is how he likes to watch the world go by.  He jumps up on a stool and rests his head on the counters so he can keep an eye on everybody.

We got a chance to visit with Shirley Stewart, she used to live across from us on Irene Pl.  She has had some health issues, but is now in the hands of a competent doctor, so we expect to see her health get better soon.  We enjoyed visiting with her.  Talk to you soon.  We are heading east finally.

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