Saturday, January 26, 2013

Savannah, GA

We have enjoyed ourselves here very much.  The weather here has been gorgeous.  Mid 60's to low 70's.  We have finally made it to the Atlantic Ocean.  We took a tour in downtown Savannah and enjoyed just looking at all the old houses.  They sure are gorgeous.  The cuisine was yummy!  We just went to Wormsloe Plantation, or what is left of it, It is the old plantation in Savannah.  There were 400 oak trees planted down the length of the driveway.  It is so beautiful when you drive down it.  They form a natural canopy.  We went to Tybee Island Beach and walked the beach of the Atlantic.  We saw the most haunted house in the world, at least that is what they say.  It is filmed all the time.  The little red one.  Is the oldest house in Savannah.  The Pirates cove  is also supposed to be haunted.  To say that Savannah has its share of ghosts would be right on.  We also went to Polaski Federal Monument Park.  During the Civil war this fort was occupied by rebel forces but fell to union troups with superior long range canons.  It was built to protect the mouth of the Savannah river.

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