Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Leaving Phoenix, Reno & Sacramento behind us.

Between Las Vegas and Reno there are ammunition bunkers all over.  They are just amazing.  It looks like giant gopher hills all over.  The town is Hawthorne.  We went to Phoenix for a quick visit with Tom's sisters Clarice and Kay and then onto Reno to visit with Tom's brother Bill, where we had a slight mishap with the motor home.  Someone in the Costco gas station decided he wanted to to beat us to the exit after filling up with gas and ran into the back of our motor home.  Tom and his brother Bill, who used to be a body man was able to pull things back together so despite the cracks in the back end, if it were a car bumper, the back right corner of the motor home is broken.  It is definitely fixable.  Thank goodness for it does not affect the interior or our driving ability and after Tom and Bill got done working on it, it is not terribly noticeable. We had a nice visit with Tom's brother Bill and his wife in Reno.  From there we went to Sacramento and visited with my brother Gary and his wife Maggie who have new puppies Cooper & Charlie.  They are adorable.  We went to see Tom's brother Glenn and Janelle in Sacramento today.  They took us out for a Thai dinner this evening.  I can honestly say, I do not think I have ever had better food.  It was delicious.  YUM!! Even better than Mexican.  I love Mexican food so that is saying a lot.  We are headed for home so see you soon.

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