Monday, April 15, 2013

Our time in Tucson

We went to Sabina Canyon and saw a rattle snake.  I walked down on a paved road.  We chose a very beautiful day to do it.  The weather in the morning was in the mid 70's.  It was beautiful out.  My brother Jack took me and Tom to a gun range and taught me how to shoot a pistol.  I tried several.  To say that I am not a very good shot is an understatement.  If I were to be aiming at their chest, I would probably hit the person in their head.  It was an experience.  It was fun.  Tom was a very good shot with all the different guns he tried.  That was actually not very surprising to me.  I am going to try to learn left handed, so this is something I will have to work on.  We have had beautiful weather this whole last week.  We have enjoyed visiting with my brother Jack & Helen all week and now we are headed to Phoenix to visit Tom's 2 sisters.  He has a sister that lives in Phoenix and a sister that has made the trip down from North Dakota.  Talk to you soon.  Patty & Tom

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