Saturday, April 6, 2013

San Antonio

As usual we have enjoyed our stay here and time goes by way to fast.  We came here for Easter.  Our friend Jason was so surprised to see us that his reaction was, "it is not Christmas yet.  Why are you here?"  We just informed him that we had so much fun with all of them this last Christmas that we decided to come back for Easter.  As per our usual our motor home seems to have some kind of mechanical problems when we get close to Texas.  It is like it knows it will get fixed here.  At least this time,the problems were fairly minor.  But this is why we were here for almost 2 weeks instead of 1 week.  We were waiting for some parts to come in.
     We went to the WildLife Ranch and don't even ask what all the different types of deer we saw were.  They sure were pretty though.  We also went to a "Car Showing".  Anybody that wanted to show off there care could.  It did not have to be an antique or a muscle car or a classic restored car, in fact our Geo Tracker would have fit right in.  We thought it was great.  They had a live band, and they do this every 2 weeks here.  It was  fun.
     We went to see Shirley Stewart, a friend of ours, who used to live in Cheney.  She is currently in Silver Tree Nursing and Rehab.  She just had neck and spinal surgery.  She could use your prayers.
     From here we are headed in the general direction of Tucson, possibly Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Talk to  you soon.  Patty & Tom

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